Uma apanha-bolas que mete água
Interrompeu jogo de basebol
Foi a segunda vez num curto espaço de tempo. Uma apanha-bolas dos Philadelphia Phillies (Estados Unidos da América) não
percebeu que a jogada era válida, pegou na bola e entregou-a a um jovem adepto.
jogadores e os comentadores televisivos
manifestaram o seu desagrado, embora seja
importante esclarecer a questão: os Philadelphia Phillies têm recorrido a
vistosas para desempenharem a função nos últimos
tempos. Desta vez, não correu bem.
Segundos depois, a apanha-bolas
percebeu que tinha metido água. Mas já era tarde.
Hooters Ball Girl Picks Up Live Ball, Interrupts Phillies vs. Rays Baseball Game
Ball Girl, Hooter Girl At Baseball Game, Hooters, Hooters Ball Girl, Hooters Ballgirl, Hooters Baseball, Hooters Girl Baseball, Hooters Girl Interrupts Baseball Game, Hooters Girl Picks Up Live Ball, Phillies Hooters Ball Girls, Sports News
A Hooter's ballgirl at Saturday's Major League Baseball game
between the Philadelphia Phillies and the Tampa Bay Rays committed a
"major" faux pas when she picked up a live ball and handed it off to a
boy in the crowd.
Her move interrupted play on the field, a point she quickly realized as shouts from the stadium rained down, and she returned to her seat, looking clearly embarrassed.
According to Bleacher Report, the original hitter, Tampa Bay Rays' Shelley Duncan, was awarded second base after the meddling.
The girl, identified only as "Priscilla" by the Tampa Bay Times, earned the respect of Rays manager Joe Maddon, who commented, "She moved her feet well ... I thought she presented her hands to the ball very well also. The overall package was very, um, efficient."
USA Today also noted Priscilla made "a fine play," commending her for immediately handing the ball off to a child who will forever be (slightly) indebted to Hooters.
And in her defense, it's spring training -- everyone is a little rusty.
Her move interrupted play on the field, a point she quickly realized as shouts from the stadium rained down, and she returned to her seat, looking clearly embarrassed.
According to Bleacher Report, the original hitter, Tampa Bay Rays' Shelley Duncan, was awarded second base after the meddling.
The girl, identified only as "Priscilla" by the Tampa Bay Times, earned the respect of Rays manager Joe Maddon, who commented, "She moved her feet well ... I thought she presented her hands to the ball very well also. The overall package was very, um, efficient."
USA Today also noted Priscilla made "a fine play," commending her for immediately handing the ball off to a child who will forever be (slightly) indebted to Hooters.
And in her defense, it's spring training -- everyone is a little rusty.

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